It all started with an awesome lunch from Wendy’s on Tuesday, then delicious FIT Food salads from Superior Fitness on Wednesday along with a fantastic cake from Barnabas Behavioral. Thursday was a hungry man’s dream as we started out with incredible treats from Playa Bowls, then dozens of Dunkin Donuts from Complete Care at Bey Lea, more Dunkin Donuts (we aren’t complaining) and lots of coffee from our friends at Matt Blatt Kia! For lunch Hampton Ridge Healthcare sent over pizzas, cookies, drinks and snacks for the officers to take on the road, and to finish off the night with more pizzas delivered by Complete Care at Green Acres! To end the week, Friday night our very own dispatchers sent 6 pizzas over for our officers!

We were certainly feeling the love from this amazing community of ours in honor of National law Enforcement Appreciation week! Thank you to everyone who dropped off goodies for our officers, they were truly enjoyed by everyone!