The below directions are to help you prepare for the swim test and may be modified at any time.


  1. Enter the pool in the shallow end and hold onto shallow end wall
  2. Time will start when you push off the wall or start to swim from shallow end wall
  3. Swim length of pool to deep end and touch deep end wall (approximately 25 yards)
  4. Turn around at deep end in any fashion (may push off wall) and swim to shallow end wall (feet cannot touch floor)
  5. Touch shallow end wall and turn around in any fashion (may push off wall) and swim to 8 foot mark in deep end of pool (proctor will alert you when you are at the 8 foot mark)
  6. Tread water momentarily above weighted object
  7. Retrieve approximate 10 lb. weighted object at bottom of pool (8 ft. depth)
  8. Bring weighted object to nearest side of pool (only time you may use feet to push off bottom of pool to surface)
  9. Clock will stop when weighted object is placed on ground outside of pool (you do not need to be outside of pool to place weighted object on ground outside of pool for time to stop)
  10. Must complete the test within 1 minute and 45 seconds



  • Tread water to rest
  • Swim above or underwater in any style


  • Wear goggles
  • Wear swim cap
  • Use hand paddles (bare hands only)
  • Use footwear of any kind (bare feet only)
  • Use a running start (you will start in pool)
  • Exit pool and reenter
  • Touch floor to rest once you begin (Automatic DQ)
  • Grab side of pool to rest once you begin (Automatic DQ)
  • Retake or restart the test (no second attempts)