The Toms River Police Traffic Safety Unit consists of a Sergeant, a Safety Officer and five Patrolmen. Their primary responsibility is the investigation of motor vehicle crashes and enforcement of traffic laws throughout Toms River Township. In addition, the Traffic Safety Unit provides service and expertise in the following areas:

  • Fatal/serious motor vehicle crash investigations
  • Conducting follow-up hit and run investigations
  • Pedestrian and school safety
  • Full time and seasonal crossing guard management
  • Review of all construction projects and work zone site inspections in Toms River Township
  • Regulating the licensing of taxi cabs and tow trucks
  • Signage requests/replacements
  • Junk title requests
  • Funeral escorts
  • Working with various State, County, and Township officials to meet the growing demands of Toms River Township.

The Traffic Safety Unit is the recipient of a grant from the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety for the purpose of reducing crashes and increasing the safety of the motoring public. This is done through the participation in initiatives such as Click It or Ticket, Over the Limit Under Arrest, Pedestrian Safety and U Text, U Drive, U Pay. The grant also provides funding for bi-weekly Child Seat Installation/Inspection events conducted every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. The Department currently has five officers who are specially trained as Child Passenger Seat Technicians.

Another primary function of the Traffic Safety Unit is prevention, detection, and apprehension of impaired drivers. All officers assigned to the Traffic Safety Unit receive specialized training in DWI Enforcement. Saturation DWI patrols as well as DWI Checkpoints are conducted regularly throughout the year. In addition, the Toms River Police Department includes five officers trained as Drug Recognition Experts (DRE) who are specially trained to detect drivers who are impaired on substances other than alcohol.

All members of Traffic Safety Unit receive specialized training in crash investigation. This training includes classes in advanced crash investigation, crash reconstruction, motorcycle, pedestrian, commercial vehicle crash investigation, and traffic engineering. Members of the Traffic Safety Unit are also members of the Ocean County Traffic Officers’ Association and the New Jersey Police Traffic Officers’ Association.

The Traffic Safety Unit is part of the Special Operation Unit and is supervised by Sergeant Steve Eubanks with the assistance of Safety Officer Steven Schwartz .