Applicant must be a Toms River Township resident.
Firearms application forms may be obtained and completed online via Complete instructions are on the State website. Toms River Police Departments ORI # is NJ0150700. Upon completion you will be instructed to print the conformation form. Bring that paperwork, Driver’s License and Firearms ID card (if applicable) to the Police Department in order to begin the process. The FARS system will email you information. Check you email for updates. If you do not see an email in a timely manner, check you spam or junk folder.
Eff. 12/22/2022 the fee for Firearms ID Cards are $ 50.00. Purchase Permits are $ 25.00 each. Permit to Carry are $200.00; $50.00 is paid to the state at time of application and $150.00 is paid to Toms River Township when the proper paperwork is brought to the police department to continue the process.
Fingerprints are required if the applicant has not previously been issued a New Jersey State Police S. B. I. number and has not been fingerprinted, at least once, for firearms, within the State of New Jersey.
A Criminal History Record Request (S. B. I. 212A) is required if applicant has previously been issued a New Jersey State Police S. B. I. number and has been fingerprinted, at least once, for firearms, within the State of New Jersey.
Applicants can pay the Toms River fees on line with a credit card using Municipay. Municipay charges a $ 3.00 service fee for using the credit card. Here is a link to the site:
The applicant will be required to present either a valid New Jersey Driver’s license or another comparable form of photo identification. Applicant will be provided further assistance and instructions.
Firearms Laws in New Jersey – For information of state laws on possession, purchase, and carrying of firearms go the New Jersey State Police website (see link below).
New Jersey State Police, Firearms Information
* Note * – There are separate applications for a Firearms Purchaser Identification Card and/or Handgun Purchase Permit, and a Permit to Carry. Please make sure you are using the correct link before beginning the application process.
Application Links
- Firearms Purchaser I.D. Cards & Handgun Purchase Permits application-
- Concealed Carry application –