As many towns across the area have cancelled or postponed their 4th of July fireworks displays, Sipe Adjustment Group has generously sponsored an event for the residents of our community in effort to lift spirits and celebrate Independence Day. The display will begin at nightfall, just after 9:00 PM and will take place at Shelter Cove Park on the beach. In an effort to prevent large groups from congregating, to comply with social distancing guidelines, and in recognition of limited parking, we are encouraging residents to pre-plan alternative locations to view the display as it will be widely visible from many locations around town and on the island.
On Saturday July 4, 2020 Shelter Cove beach and bathrooms will be closed at 3:30 PM to the general public, and the parking lot closest to the beach must be vacated. There will be increased police, and emergency personnel presence. A safety zone will be designated in the water and will be patrolled by police and fire personnel. The far lot of Shelter Cove will fill very quickly and once full attendee’s will be turned away as there is no parking on the grass. Again, we are asking residents to enjoy this display from an alternate location. Choreographed music for the display can be heard via 95.9 WRAT Radio.
We’d like to remind everyone that commercial fireworks are illegal to set off*. Please leave commercial displays to trained professionals. We understand celebrations can sometimes be difficult for autistic and special needs children and adults, combat veterans with PTSD, as well as pets. If you live in the immediate neighborhood please take necessary precautions during the display to ensure everyone has a peaceful evening.
Enjoy the beautiful day and be safe!
*Currently, individuals 16 years of age or older, may possess and use non-explosive, non-aerial fireworks such as hand-held and ground based sparklers and novelty items such as poppers and snappers. All other types of fireworks, including firecrackers, aerials, sky rockets/bottle rockets, single-tube device with report, reloadable shell device/Roman candles, are still illegal to sell, use or possess in the State of New Jersey.